Sunday, May 11, 2008

Random Cat Pix. Cos I can.

Solace being surprisingly adorable. She's really come out of her shell lately. She is proactively asking for attention and is seeking company for her naps.
Darius in his pea patch. I planted peas under this chair by the tree, and I'm using the chair for a terrace for the peas to climb. Why? Because the chair doesn't have a mate or a place really in my home, and I'm the type of person who would like all of my posessions to have a purpose or function. So this chair got relegated to garden duty. It is now art.
Miss Mia. This cat is not owned by me, but by a resident at my location who has requested privacy. Out of respect for someone I cherish, Miss Mia will not be mentioned except for in the most general of terms.
I'm trying to convince my family that it wouldn't hurt to foster a cat that has been with the rescue organization Classy Cats for a little while. Hopefully, you'll see pictures of a new cat here. IF there are people who have actually dropped by this blog, can you please let me know if you'd be interested in seeing pictures and blurbs about adoptable cats that my friends and I are fostering? Thanks!

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