Some of you may have noticed that my Mancat Darius sports a hot-pink heart-shaped I.D. tag, and has also been known to wear pink SoftClaws.
I would like to go on the record stating that these particular fashion choices are entirely of Darius' own volition. Please record Exhibit A:
Why have I chosen to out my lovely miniature puma so cruelly? To send a very strong message. No one-- NO ONE. Messes. With. My. Max. Time.
A mancat likes pink, then a mancat shall have pink.
Yeah, any kitty that distracts from your daily Psychokitty fix is just asking for it.
Aww, Darius isn't the only mancat who likes pink. Just ask Skeezix. I agree that messing with your Max the Psychokitty time is just asking for trouble.
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