I went and did the most un-Crazy Cat Ladylike thing known to modern man.
I adopted a dog.
Now, there's this little short-furred brown-eyed wet-nosed skinny-bloated un-neutered funky-smelling bat-eared cringing Rat Terrier with a bullet imbedded under the skin of his rear leg shaped hole in my heart!!!!
I'm so worried for my little Hughie. I'm so glad I took him to the vet and I knew- knew--! that he has heartworm. Hell-0! He's four or five years old in Texas with a coat of fur thinner than the magnetic ink on this page. He's afraid of big men with dark hair. He bit the dogcatcher when he was found on the street. Did I mention the bullet?
So... heartworm. Vet. Oh, yeah.
He came up positive for heartworm and hookworm. He has severe gingivitis. And then there's this other thing... this horrible thing that I'm trying so hard to understand. He's in the hospital right now and I just signed a month's worth of income away that I don't have and he's in so much pain...
We thought it was just a little bladder infection. The vet was concerned that there's also free fluid in his abdomen... and it's bloody. Really, a lot of blood. It's really scary to see a scrappy little bit of funny-smelling "Will you love me?" dripping blood on your floor. From a wound you can't see.
We're not sure why he has blood in his abdomen. It could be from the heartworm. From the hookworm. From an actual bladder infection. From a traumatic injury. Did I mention the bullet????
He's all scarred up too... been knocked around a good bit. He knows when he's in trouble, he wet on the floor the other day and the second I saw it he was so scared, cowering and shaking like he expected me to hurt him. I was too upset about his reaction to even mention the mess. I just told him I loved him and cleaned it up when he wasn't looking. That's when I saw the first indication of blood.
Now I have a really bad premonition.
It makes so much sense... There's a dog that's friendly enough to tolerate around the house as long as he doesn't get in Daddy's way, then there's this problem all the sudden where he can't hold it in the house. Dad gets mad, hauls off and kickes him in the gut once or twice (there's scarring on his side and we can feel scars on his abdominal muscle wall), and then kicks him out of the house. He all ready has heartworm by this time and probably hookworm because anyone who kicks a dog would never think to take one to a vet. Prove me wrong on that. I dare you. Then he spends a few weeks on the street, with whatever caused the urniary tract problem running rampant in his gut. He's lucky enough to get picked up by animal control and thank the gods, he's not killed the moment he bites the dogcatcher (who probably scared the living hell out of him and my last dollar says he's tall and has dark hair). Then he spends a few weeks in a kennel with who knows what diseases running around and no-one will adopt him because every time a man walks into the kennel, "Hugo" rushes the gate barking frantically.
Ok, ow ow ow my neck hurts...
By the time I show up, Hugh has a reputation with the ladies. The animal control officer who takes care of him is female, and she never had to leash him when she let him out of his kennel. He would hang out in the office with her. He proved to her that he could bond, that he's a good dog, that he's house trained.
He will sit and shake and he knows that a dog-bed is where he's supposed to be when someone says, "Go lay down." He burrows under the covers if you let him up on the bed and he snores a little. He's the perfect little foot-warmer. He warmed my heart right up too. He also guarantees that no matter what, I take a minimum of two brisk twenty-minute walks every day.
He's going to be in the ICU at the Vet's for at least three days. I've had him for all of... two weeks? Maybe a day or two more? And I'm crying because if I lose this little dog I don't think I'll ever be whole again. He answers that question my heart is always asking..."Am I everything that I need to be? Am I... enough?"
Hugh said, "Yes, you're my everything. I'll be yours, too." He says it in a way that my husband can't, that my daughter isn't capable of. He says it in a way that brooks no argument. He says it because it just is.
Thursday 3/6 Blog Links
21 hours ago
Awww...I'm going to ask the cat blogosphere to think good things for Hugh (even though he's a dog...he sounds like a good one.) Thing is, as much as it hurts if he doesn't make it, you will have given him a sense of home, and a feeling of being wanted, something he obviously didn't have before. And that's all a dog (or cat) wants...and it's a god note to end on.
But still...I got paws crossed for him and will make sure the other kitties will, too.
Max sent me over, I just want to say that I think you are wonderful.
You have given a little doggie unconditional love. Clearly it's an experience he has never known before. I hope he pulls through and has an opportunity to enjoy the forever home and the forever love you have for him.
Poor little doggie, he was lucky to have found you. I hope he gets better and you have many good years together!!
Max told us about your dog, we came to hear more. We are so concerned for him but we know that you are doing everything possible for him now. All you can do now is hope and love him and let him no that you are still there to love him and that he hasn't done anything wrong. He is lucky to have found someone as loving as you. We will be sending good thoughts your way and hoping that he comes out of this ok.
-Stryder, Scotchy, Sugar & Kellykat
Max sent us over. Ferst, MsHughsMom, you are an absolute HERO to Hugh and a truly wonderful person. If we could fly through cyberspace to hug you we would.
We will purr very very hard for Hugh and for you. You and Hugh deserve to have time to love each other!!!!
I had a doggie in much the same situation you speak of-heartworm, malnutrition etc. I had him for 8 years. Expensive yet but what a great friend he was during my own illness. Give the meds a chance to do their magic. Fletch was worth the moola and the anxiety.
Poor little Hugo! But how lucky he is to have someone care for him like you do. We send "Get Well" vibes and we'll pray for his speedy recovery.
Another Max referral here...
I just wanna hug you both.
I'm so happy Hugh has you.
I'm so happy he fell through that hole in your heart.
Max sent me over, too. You are a truly wonderful person to take Hugh into your home and your heart like this. I truly hope that he recovers to spend many happy years with you. If not, at least you have given him unconditional love for the first time in his life and I am sure he is really grateful for it.
Another Max fan...
We're sorry to hear about the poor little boy. But it sounds to us as if he knows he can really trust you, and maybe that will help him recover from his awful past. We're all purring for you both.
William, Olivia, Caroline and Russell.
I will send lots of purrs for your little Hugh. Max let me know about him. Bestest wishes,
awww, Max sent us over from da blogosphere...we is gonna say lots of purrayers fur little Hugh. He just discovered love and that should give him incentive to fight.
Mom and I are sending Hugh our love and prayers because no animal should ever be treated the way he was before he came to you. We so hope he gets better and has a happy ever after ending with your family.
You are a good and kind lady - we're in awe of you.
Can you post a happy pic of Hugh as soon as you have one - as soon as possible - 'cos Mom and I are feeling so sad about his plight.
Love Milo kitten and Mom xx
Max sent me too so I'm here to say hi and I hope Hughie gets well soon! Poor little pup, he will be happy to have a loving home like yours, no matter what happens.
Purring good thoughts for everyone.
Huffle Mawson
Poor little Hugh. I hope he makes it. You have done a wonderful thing in giving him a taste of love and security.
Sending purrs and love to you all xx
we is just checking back to see if there is more news on Hugh. purrrsssss to you!!!
Max left all the cat blogosphere folks a message to purr for Hugh. Even though Hugh is a woofie, we will purr for hims. He gots a good bean now and we hopes that he has the strength and courage to get better! The mom is sending over some healing thoughts as well.
Oh noes!!! I hopes yur woofie feels bettur reel soon. I will purray fur him and send lotsa puurrrrrssssssss fur yoo.
I just got the news on Max's blog. Poor Hugh, I hope he makes it so that he'll finally be able to experience being loved in a safe home. I've been fortunate to have lived with many rescue kitties and they're worth every dollar I spent at the vet's to help them heal. I'm sending positive thoughts and Reiki energy to help him and all the vet staff.
Oh, poor Hugh! What a terrible life he had before he came to you. We're so glad he's having a chance to know love and acceptance - and hopefully, good health.
We've all got our paws crossed for him too.
Okay...now you got our mom's eyes leaking! What a great thing you did by taking in Hugh! We are purraying big time that he pulls through and can experience the good life. This little dog deserves it!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
I read Daisy the Curly Cat blog and she provided a link to your site. My thoughts are with you and Hugh. Your post had me in tears that someone could be so cruel to a defenseless animal. I can't wait to read about Hugh on his road to recovery. (((HUGS)))
hi, Max sent us over and we want you to know that we are sending many healing purrs and prayers to Hugh. you've already given him more than any ohter human has and that is love and medical care.
we hope he pulls thru this, gets all better and learns how wonderful it is to have a forever home and be loved.
keep us posted when you can.
Max sent us. We's sad to hear he's had such a hard time, but glad he's got you now. We'll send lots of purrs and purrayers and good kitty mojo for him to get well soon.
the Hotties
What an angel you are for taking Hugh in. Unconditional love is good forever. We're purring for him to get better.
Oh my! I just read about you at Max's blog and came right over to find out about Hugh and your kitties.
You have a fight on your hands for this little woofie but you are already giving him one of the most important things he needs ~ your unconditional love. For him to have survived as long as he did shows that he has a strong spirit and now he has you and the VET and meds ~ and the purrayers and prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs and tail wags of those of us in the Cat Blogosphere!
Tiger Lily
{{{{{HUGS}}}}} from all of us,
Jemima, Zeke, Sushi, Tiger Lily and Ruckus
Max sent me,
I'm sending prayers Hugh's way. Don't give up too soon, there is so much that modern veterinary medicine can do.
We are purring for him and hope that he can pull through. Heartworm treatment is pretty nasty.
We think he is certainly a lucky dog to have had you adopt him and love him...
You know, I got a little misty reading about sweet Hugh. I will say this, though: no matter what happens, Hugh is loved and he knows it. That is the greatest blessing you can give him after all he's been through. Everyone is hoping for the very best life for Hugh, but I'm glad that at least he has you.
Max sent us over too, and we wanted to add our get well mojo to the rest for Huge...we'll be crossin our paws that he gets better....
Cassieopeia, Gypsy Girl & Trixie
I read about you from Max. I am sending you my strongest purrs and best thoughts for little Hugh to get better. He certainly deserves some good luck and the love that you have for him.
Max sent us over for Hugh! What a lot that poor pup is going through! We'll be purring for him to get better right away!
Keeping Hugh in our prayers for a complete recovery. We would love to see a picture when he gets home.
Max sent us over, too, via the Cat Blogosphere!
~ KittyBoy
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